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To download and view the current and past issues of the Observer or the Beaches News Journal click on "Past Issues" to the right.  Also, see "Major Events In St. Johns County" and "Local Community News & Calendar" updates.

Our goal is to provide local community news and important information to areas of Southern St. Augustine, the Beaches, and St. Johns County. We focus on providing community news of interest to local residents. We are a "free newspaper" made possible by our sponsor advertisers. Whenever possible please support their products and services. We accept your suggestions and comments that can help us better server you.


The Observer Community newspaper began in 2001 as "St. Augustine Shores Observer" and has expanded to include "St. Augustine South" and other smaller communities that now totals well over 8,300 home & business addresses in zip code 32086. If you need a "hard copy" please visit the Southeast Library, Main Library, or the Riverview Club office in the Shores Community. We have older  Issues" back to April 2013.

Beaches News Journal

The Beaches News Journal community newspaper also began in 2001 providing community information to the City of St. Augustine Beach, Marsh Creek, and other smaller communities on Anastasia Island in zip code 32080. Current mail distribution is over 6,500 homes and business locations. If you do not get USPS mail delivery you can find a copy at the City Hall or the Anastasia Island Library,  or at  St. Johns County Pier.

If you live outside our distribution area, contact us for a subscription for only $12.00 per year to cover part of the postage.

To send us community news or consider advertising with us "click" on the "Rates & Information" tab or email by the 15th of the month prior to the next monthly issue.

To visit the St. Augustine Shores Service Corp website "click" on the picture of the Riverview Club below. (

To visit the St. Augustine South Improvement Association website "click" on the picture below.


To visit the City of St. Augustine website go to

Please go to "Issues" page (top right) to see past issues.

Thank You,

Cliff Logsdon, M.A. Ed.



2465 US 1 South PMB #8, St. Augustine, 32086



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